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In today’s world, CVs and online applications don’t allow you to show all that you can achieve and do. This limitation can place people at a disadvantage. It can also continue the old rule of ‘need experience to get experience.’ We want to break this.

A not-for-profit, Views Heard aims to show everyone your strength, skills and knowledge. We do this through the creation of your own webpage; providing feedback, editing and support to show your work at its best.

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Photograph: A tunnel of pergolas each grouped together in bright colours. Taken: Dockville Festival, Hamburg, Germany
Film still: Alma floats through space
Photograph of Chaka Khan singing
Graphic design poster of Samm Henshaw.
A grey painting which acts like fabric; covering the entire painting and female form, with only her hands, face and hat visible
Inspired by a ballroom scene of the show
Bright textural painting
Graphic design poster showing a soldier saluting, while the backdrop shows civilian life.
Installation: A large cavernous room fills with "clouds" made of foam.
Graphic design: Mustard yellow background, with only Freddie Mercury's hair and moustache featuring
Kindle book cover showing Murderbot
Sculpture: Glass droplets suspend from a wire frame that interlocks like atoms.
Portrait: close-up of a young girl's face, her hair wrapped in a silk scarf
Image of Fruitvale station, with the shadow of a father holding his daughter's hand.
Photograph of Keegan-Michael Key (L) and Jordan Peele (R) from the 68th Emmy Awards
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