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Book cover: A turtle dove sits in the bushes
Tree canopy
Graphic design poster of two semi-circles formed by a connection of hands to elbows.
Photograph of Leon Bridges performing at Music Hall at Fair Park in Dallas, Texas 9.18.16
Book cover showing a close-up of a Geisha's red lips
Photographic poster design for the show - displaying brunette hair floating in water.
Graphic design poster of the fringe crew
Photograph showing hands holding a globe
A grey painting which acts like fabric; covering the entire painting and female form, with only her hands, face and hat visible
Highly detailed illustrated poster of the Firefly crew
Various stills from the film
Photograph of a lemon drizzle cake cut into slices
Graphic design image: Kyle is shown waiting to wrestle, the poster's colour and title done in the wrestling team's colours
Graphic design poster image: showing an upwards green arrow in the shape of a house and its downward counterpart of a red house.
Graphic design poster showing a soldier saluting, while the backdrop shows civilian life.
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