Dark chocolate covered nest cakes

Dark Gooey Chocolate Nests


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Messy but great. This quick sweet-bite just won’t be enough. Luckily, this recipe makes ten dark gooey chocolate nests, that will have you licking the bowl.


Makes: 10 large fairy cakes


Level of difficulty: Super-easy

Time: 15 mins



90g 85% dark chocolate

100g cornflakes

40g melted butter

3 tsp dark treacle

4 tbsp golden syrup



  1. Melt the chocolate. This is best done by first breaking the chocolate into smaller sections and placing them into a bowl. Then sit the bowl in a saucepan of boiling hot water – but make sure the water doesn’t go into the bowl. This will also keep the chocolate melted till you’re ready to pour.
  2. Pour just 60g of cornflakes into a large bowl, and put aside for now.
  3. Next, cut the butter into small sections and melt in the microwave for 30 seconds.
  4. Then pour the melted chocolate, butter, treacle and syrup into the bowl of cornflakes and stir well.
  5. Once it’s fully stirred; add a little bit of the cornflakes at a time and mix until fully covered. Keep repeating till you’ve used all the cornflakes. 
  6. Place the mix into fairy cakes and leave to rest – although they will never fully set, being purposefully gooey. Then pick the biggest and eat.

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