About Us

A Not-For-Profit Online Publication.
Show What You Can Do At Views Heard.

Young Boy Joyfully Shouting Into Studio Microphone

Photo by Jason Rosewell on Unsplash

Want to know more about us? From our objectives, what makes us different, to how we aim to show the world what you can do. Find it here in our ‘About Us’.

In today’s world you increasingly need experience to get experience – making it a circle that can feel impossible to break.

At Views Heard we try to break this circle by providing a safe and trustworthy platform that showcases an individual’s knowledge, passion and skills. Helping to build an online portfolio through the use of our author pages, whether it’s for enjoyment, to show prospective employers what you can do, or hopefully a bit of both. Open to everyone, all we need is a person’s passion and we’ll help with the rest.

Free to use, we aim to be a platform where you can both share and gain knowledge. Whether this is in the arts, science, culture, reviews, how-to-guides and much more. Providing a safe place to learn, and to present your skills to the world.



The opportunity of breaking into a new career or even a first job can be that much harder for those who have been out of work for a while, are new to employment, or are living with a disability and/or mental health difficulty – which is why we’re particularly keen to hear from individuals who feel they’re part of this community. However, we don’t ask you to disclose this, just know we’re here to offer support.



Traditional CVs and application forms are restrictive in proving what you are capable of achieving, and do not suit a large population of individuals. By having an author’s page you can link to, and on a reputable site, you can physically show your skills, knowledge and experience (self taught or not).

As all submissions are sent to us for review before publication, we can help make the site safe for visitors, while supporting users in making their work shine.

We also provide the option of help through a system of constructive but supportive feedback, helping people to gain experience, and grow in strength.

Through our editing assistance we aim to give people a chance for their voice to be heard and in the clearest way possible.

Further to this we vow to hold ourselves accountable, act with open transparency, and to establish a reputation for being a trusted site. At Views Heard we will always be open for questions, and suggestions, on how to make our site stronger and more accessible – with each person helping us to create a better service.



We will continue to proactively aim to prevent disinformation and bias – through a review system that stops harmful content, ensures honesty, and checks for clarity of content before publication. Helping to retain not just interesting, informative and fun articles, but ones that can be trusted and shared. Giving those who share their voices on Views Heard a site they can reference with pride, can grow their knowledge and skillset with, and all the while providing access to a variety of content for visitors and employers alike to keep returning to.

We want to know what you think.

Please let us know if you have found Views Heard to be helpful, or how we can help you in the future with our services.

We use your feedback to keep our services continuing and to improve on others.

Build Your Portfolio

Build Your Experience

As a Not-For-Profit;

7% of our income, after expenditure, goes to charities

93% in continuing our services

Views Heard. Incorporated in England and Wales Company No 13656927. Registered office: 71-75 Shelton Street, London, WC2H 9JQ, UNITED KINGDOM. 
Please note this address is for government correspondence only, any other post will not be seen and may be destroyed. Please use our contact page to get in touch.