Photograph of a large soufflé
Photograph of the book's cover, which shows a barren land in shadow and a vibrant dawn above. The book is also set against a photograph of a barren and dry outback.
Photograph showing a hand pressed up against a window as they look out on to a block of apartment windows. the image is tinted with a dark red/purple and has happiness typed across.
Photograph of a tray of focaccia.
Photograph of an oreo cupcake
Anime image, showing the adult Satoru & and the young Kato
Photograph of a small dish of pate
Close-up photograph showing the three mushroom pasta.
Uncle Frank 2
Photograph of a lemon drizzle cake cut into slices
Photograph of Lilac Breasted Roller Bird
Photograph of biscuits, some covered in white icing and chocolate shavings
Map with compass, magnifier etc
Book cover showing mirror-reversed scissors
Landscape photograph of an acoustic guitar.
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