Graphic design: different coloured radio waves that form the word 'Joywave'

Joywave: Obsession (2020 – Possession)

Joywave’s Obsession showcases an intoxication of what “could-be-film-trailers” with sixty-four in total (at least that’s what we could count), ranging from a brief image that’s more like a stylised poster, to a few seconds of content that lures you in. Produced and directed by Laura Gorun, Cooper Roussel and Dimitri Basil, Obsession does more than embrace a passion for movies – it’s like the film industry’s biggest stalker has come to life, and with it their favourite time period; the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. The trailers having more than just a sense of Tarrantino’s early work, along with Spaghetti Westerns, and inspirations from all-time-classics such as ‘Basic Instinct’ and ‘Terminator’. The short video trailers having a retro vibe, while embracing every genre imaginable; action, drama, horror, romance, western, history, and maybe even inventing some of their own.

A seductive-video with major appeal and not just for film lovers, but for design enthusiasts to, with the “films” opening credits being a typographers dream, whilst also paying occasional homage to their inspiration, such as one of their advertised films “Redpuma” looking a lot like the title of ‘Conan the Barbarian’. Obsession’s “film titles” are as polished as any high-budget film – better even – for a lot of love has been put into this video, along with a good few laughs, including some easily imagined ‘Top Gun’ moments in their trailer “Sky Drifter,” while the crew certainly had a wry smile or two in their selection of title choices; “Ides of Idyllwild” and “Smugtown” for example. Not forgetting a quick quip to the movie industries addiction to sequels – I’m looking at you “Helmet”. Ironically though, the acting is done to such a high level that I’m actually intrigued as to what some of the stories could be – the pull being instantaneous – and then I remember there’s no movie, and I’m sad, so very sad, mourning in particular for “Baby Down The Drain” – just what have these women done?

There’s absolutely nothing to fault in the music video Obsession with the colour choices, choreographed scenes, set styles, lighting etc all deserving an award, especially the cinematographer – Marz Miller.

If this isn’t enough, there’s also many an Easter egg in Obsession; the starring roles or director’s in the films often being the band members of Joywave, or based on a book they “wrote” such as “The Red frontier” and “The Divine Possession,” respectively an imagined graphic novel by the drummer, and an imagined best-seller by the keyboardist. Then best of all, seven and a half-ish film trailers are the tracks from Joywave’s 2020 album Possession – look out for Mr. Eastman, while I’m not 100% sure if “The Divine Possession” relates to the album/song title of Possession – hence the half-ish. I’ll let you spot the rest. An even nicer touch is that the video was shot entirely on Kodak’s analogue film – the company being located in the band’s home town of Rochester, New York.

In the lyrics to Obsession they sing about needing a distraction at night to stop the mind running to places they don’t want it to – don’t we all – and to do this they need “A new obsession/Something to hold in my sights” which they’ve certainly achieved in their ambitiously creative video.

With an amalgamation of sound styles, it’s hard to pigeon-hole Joywave as any one thing, and I get the feeling they want it this way. Even their website (at the time of writing) is a trickery to the mind, and a masterpiece – with it appearing like a news website, with strange articles and adverts linking to their videos, and much more. Launching themselves in 2010, Joywave released a seven-track album in 2012 called Koda Vista, followed by a full-feature debut in 2015 How Do You Feel Now? Starting as a five-member band, they’ve had some changes, but have always retained their addictive sound, with the now members; Paul Brenner – drums, Joseph Morinelli – guitar, and Daniel Armbuster playing guitar and providing the crave-tripping vocals, having always worked closely together for each track’s conception. Throughout all of their work Joywave’s energy surges forwards and it’s impossible not to feel revitalised by it.


Other songs by Joywave we love:

  • Every Window Is A Mirror (2022 – Cleanse)
  • Get Strong (collaboration with Best Frenz & Jason Suwito) (2020 – 30% Off! [EP])
  • Coming Apart (2020 – Possession)
  • Half Your Age (2020 – Possession)
  • When You’re Bored (2017 – Content)
  • Nice House (2015 – How Do You Feel Now?)


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