Stack of pancakes with layers of chocolate honeycomb

Mini Pancake Cake with Chocolate Honeycomb


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Somehow we’ve improved on pancakes with this chocolate and honeycomb stacking. Get your fork ready and dig in!


Makes: 3 cakes – serves 6


Level of difficulty: Easy

Prep time: 10 mins
Bake time: 60-90 mins (depends on how many pancakes you can cook at the same time).
Total time: 70-100 mins



115g self-raising flour

Large pinch of salt

1 medium egg

1 tbsp of melted butter (and a little extra for the pan)

220 ml milk

150g milk chocolate

Optional: 80g honeycomb



  1. Mix the flour and salt together.
  2. Add the egg and butter, while slowly pouring the milk in – stir in between. The mixture should be smooth and runny – you now have your pancake batter.
  3. Next, coat the frying-pan with small drop of butter, and place on a low-medium heat.
  4. Using stainless steel cooking rings – I recommend a size of 3 inches (7.5cm) – place these onto the pan and drizzle some pancake batter inside till the bottom of the ring is covered. How deep you want your pancake is up to you. Keep the rings in place till the pancakes are no longer wet and can hold their shape. Then take the pancakes out of the ring and flip over. You want it light-brown on both sides.
  5. Keep repeating step 4 till all the pancake batter is gone. You should now have a healthy number of pancakes.
  6. Next, melt the milk chocolate – the easiest way is to break the chocolate into smaller sections and place in a large bowl, rested over a saucepan of hot water. But make sure not to get any water in the bowl.
    OPTIONAL: crush some honeycomb into small pieces, no bigger than the size of a grain of rice, to stir into the chocolate – gives a lovely crunch to the cake.
  1. Having divided your pancakes into three portions (feel free to change this) spread a thin layer of chocolate on each pancake as you stack.
  2. When reaching the top pancake place a slightly thicker layer of chocolate.
  3. Leave to set, then cut the cakes in half making six semi-circled portions – for it can be too much of a good thing.

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