Salmon quiche

The Best Salmon Quiche. No Cream or Tomato.


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Never had a salmon quiche? You’re missing out. Never had this salmon quiche – do I need to say it? – you’re still missing out. This quiche is beyond delicious, the pastry melts in your mouth, while the quiche’s ingredients complement each other in flavour. So, what are you waiting for? Give this recipe a try today.

Serves: 4 (1x15cm quiche or 14 mini-quiches)

Level of difficulty: Medium

Prep time: 60-65 mins
Cook time: 30-45 mins
Total time: 90-110 mins

Filling ingredients:

½ onion (chop)

Drizzle of olive oil

¼ (25g approx.) red pepper (chop)

10g spinach (dice)

40g cheddar cheese (grated)

65g salmon (tinned or fresh)

2 medium eggs

40ml soya milk

Pastry ingredients:

55g butter (cube) (plus a little extra to line the quiche dish)

115g plain flour


If you’re using fresh fish; wash with cold water and dry. Then place on to tin foil and drizzle some olive oil across it. Add a couple extra of teaspoons, for the fish to cook in. Wrap the tin foil closed and cook for 30-35 mins at 180°C Fan until cooked.

  1. If not already done, chop the red pepper and onion. Dice the spinach, grate the cheese and break the fish into small pieces – how small is up to you but I suggest no smaller than the nail on your thumb.
  2. Next, caramelise the onions by placing them on a low heat with a drizzle of olive oil. Stir now and then.
  3. Set the oven to 180°C Fan.
  4. Cut the butter into small cubes, and place in the bowl along with the flour. Using your fingertips only, rub the butter into the flour until the texture is slightly thicker than grains of sand.
  5. Add a little water to the mix (a bit at a time) till the mixture sticks together into a nice firm dough.
  6. Lightly flour a space on the kitchen work surface to roll the pastry onto – roll to a depth of just a few millimetres.

For one quiche:

  1. Next, rub a little butter around the inside of the quiche dish – don’t forget the sides.
  2. Place the rolled-out pastry over the dish, and press gently inside, till the base and sides are covered. Trim off any excess by running a knife along the edge. Prick the sides and base of the pastry with a fork and cook for 12-15 minutes – it should still be a very pale gold by the end. Go to step 9.


For mini-quiches:

You’ll need a tartlet tray/cupcake tray and a medium-large pastry cutter.

  1. Next, rub butter around the inside of each hollow, and using your pastry cutter – cut pastry to fill each hollow.
  2. Cook the pastry for 5-7 mins till pale. Go to step 9.


  1. Leave the pastry to cool before filling – this will help prevent the pastry from become chewy.
  2. Next, mix the chopped peppers, caramelised onion, diced spinach, ¾ of the grated cheese and ¾ of the salmon together. Then evenly place the mixed ingredients across the inside of the quiche(s).
  3. In a jug beat the eggs and milk together, before pouring it across the quiche(s) till almost level with the rim of the pastry – but don’t go over, if you do it can make the bottom of the pastry moist. (Should you go over: Once you have finished cooking the quiche  check the bottom of the pastry to see that it’s dry, if not cook for another 5-10 minutes.)
  4. Place the remaining quarter of the salmon and cheese across the top of the quiche.
  5. Cook in the oven for 40-45 mins for the one quiche, and 30-35 mins for the mini-quiches.
  6. Leave to set and cool. Best served with a side salad, or fries.

Salmon quiche cut in half to show the filling

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