Photograph of biscuits, some covered in white icing and chocolate shavings

Simple Biscuits


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Easy to make and a delight to eat, these simple biscuits will please all three bears and goldilocks too. Not-too sweet, crunchy but crumbly. It hits the right spot. This very simple recipe can be easily added to with chocolate chunks or icing.


Makes: 20 bite-size biscuits/12 large biscuits


Level of difficulty: Easy

Prep time: 20 mins
Cook time: 8-10 mins
Total time: 28-30 mins



140g butter
70g granulated sugar
240g self-raising flour
2 drops vanilla essence
Optional Choc-Chunk: 80g dark chocolate
Optional Icing: 165g icing sugar, 8 tsps water.



  1. Turn the oven to 180°C Fan. Cut the butter into smaller sections and add the sugar. Mix together till lighter in colour and fluffy
  2. Add the flour and vanilla essence, and mix together. It will be very crumbly and floury to begin with, but start kneading together with your hands and it will slowly start to join together. Keep kneading till it’s soft and sticks together like dough.
  3. Optional choc-chunk: If you want chocolate chunk biscuits, break each chocolate square into 4-5 parts. Spread the chunks across the dough, and mix in.
  4. Lightly dust the worktop with flour, then roll the biscuit dough till it’s between 5-10mm thick. Use the cutters to cut the dough into bite-size biscuits.
  5. Bake the dough for 8-10 minutes. Should be slightly golden and a touch of brown on the edges.
  6. Optional icing: Wait till the biscuits have cooled. Mix the icing sugar and water till lump free. It should be tough to stir, otherwise it will drip-off the edges of the biscuits. Spread the icing across the top, and if you have any spare chocolate grate across the top.


All done, you deserve a biscuit or two.

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