
to be inspired by…

Painting: Birds-eye view of a pond, the rain drops causing ripples on its surface, below which is a red/deep orange koi. Orange autumn leaves are scattered in the far left corner.
Drawing: A man's head splits in two - one part looks forward, while the other is twisted and separated as it looks behind - only thin tendrils of colour "spirit" connect the two.
Painting self-portrait: One "self", shown in an outline of a purple dress, is in a tug of war against four other "selfs" who are largely unpainted.
Black and white mural of São Paulo around the 1930s, featuring classic cars.
Painting by Félix Vallotton shows heavy gusts of wind blowing at tree tops
Photograph with a painterly appearance to it. The image is a self-portrait of the photographer Fred Herzog. The image shows a young Fred Herzog looking sideways and up from the table. Light has come in from the window which centres the image and creates a dramatic use of light to frame Herzog's face. It also shows artwork on the walls and a pen in Herzog's hand.
A wooden panel designed like the architectural plans of a house, wedged between the rooms are ghostly figures of women, some of which are incomplete
Transparent sculpture with solid face. The face is shown to be unhappy, while in their hair is multiple "selves" each showing a false emotion of happiness.
Painting: Portrait of a young woman, her skin filled with opaque imagery of sea creatures, mermaids, people and fan-motifs etc
Miniature sculpture: A two storey building of a garage. Its shutters are down with graffiti tags across them. Meanwhile a dumpster stands in front with boxes peeping out from under the lid
.Fiber art: Shows the artist and her child looking at paper/drawing/homework on the kitchen table
Southside Sunday Morning, 2018, © Bisa Butler
Painting: Brightly coloured objects are piled randomly on top of one another with no end in sight.
Painting: A man stands in a pale pink and white striped shirt, in his left hand he holds a bowl, in his right he appears to hold a long white stick. The background is a floral swirl of yellow and blues.
Bowl shaped vase, with strong inspirations to the artist Picasso while infused with a celebration of Africa
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