
to escape into…

Book cover showing a close-up of a Geisha's red lips
Children's book cover with George shown to be cooking colourful items
Book cover showing mirror-reversed scissors
Red book cover with a gold crane and lettering
Book cover shows a blackbird and two figures sitting below, the background image shows a feather being carried by the water's current
Blush pink book cover showing a photograph of a small boat
Yellow book cover with stylised text
Book cover is a sepia photograph of a boy peeping around a corner
Illustrative book cover showing a boy and a tiger in a boat
Illustrated book cover showing a winter's night
Photograph of the book's cover, which shows a barren land in shadow and a vibrant dawn above. The book is also set against a photograph of a barren and dry outback.
Book cover showing two bullets and Korean handwriting
Graphic style book cover showing a repeating image within another
1920s graphic style book cover
Book cover of a man holding the world on his shoulders
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