
something that makes you smile…

Set of earrings, one blue and one yellow. While a green matching brooch sits alongside.
Final collection of images
Three different cute keyrings
Bookmarks being used
Present gift wrapped with a scalloped tag holding the string, while alternative tags of stars, hearts and Christmas trees are shown to the side
Child's bench/Small table
Collection of different magnets
Final collection of collage and smudging images
Collection of clay bowls
Five brooches of various designs; crescent moon, abstract, floral
Collection of final paintings
Photograph of the complete bookcase filled with books.
Collection of Earrings
28 differently stained pieces of paper
Final result showing two picture frames
Six wooden coasters with painted geometric triangles and lines in white, yellow and gold.
A photograph of the completed bookcase. The bookcase is filled with vintage penguins which complete the colours of the rainbow.
Collection of different paint techniques
Plant-pots final
Final abstract - string, comb, chain
Two decorative squares on a pin-board