Three Dark Chocolate Brownie Biscuits

Vegan Dark Brownie Biscuit


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These biscuits have the luxurious richness of a brownie, and one that certainly melts in your mouth. Crumbly too, you’ll be scrapping the plate for every morsel. Suitable for vegans.


Makes: 6


Level of difficulty: Easy

Prep time: 10 min
Cook time: 10-11 min
Total time: 26 mins



70g margarine

24g demerara sugar

55g 70% dark chocolate (grated)

65g self-raising flour

22g cornflour

15g cocoa



  1. If not already done, grate the chocolate. Its weight after grating needs to be 55g.
  2. In a separate bowl mix the margarine and sugar till the margarine is soft. The sugar will remain crystalised.
  3. Add the grated chocolate, flour, cornflour and cocoa. Mix well.
  4. The mixture should have started to bind together. Using your hands gently knead the rest together, until you have a formed chocolate ball.
  5. Turn the oven to 160°C fan.
  6. Using a rolling pin, roll the chocolate ball to a depth of just over 1cm. Then taking a using a cookie cutter (here I used a 7cm/2.7inch cookie cutter) cut out 6 brownie biscuits.
  7. Place in the oven and cook for 10-11mins. They will be very soft when you first get them out of the oven, but when cooled they can be easily picked up. However, they will still be very crumbly, and chocolatey – plate usage advised.

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