
We’re looking for volunteers to help us with our submissions; check content, edit, verify sources and more. But why? This helps to make sure we’re a safe reliable platform that people can share their passions and potential on, whilst allowing a fun, enjoyable and informative site for visitors. Most importantly, at Views Heard everyone has the chance to share what they can do, and though we can’t publish it all we can offer feedback so people can gain experience. Whilst what we publish gives people an opportunity to show their “views” and to be “heard” by the public and by potential employers. See what we did there?

Want to know more, so do we! Please see our Volunteer Task Description for more details about volunteering at Views Heard.

For any queries not answered in our Volunteer Task Description, or for any questions about completing the Expression of Interest Form, please contact us at volunteer@viewsheard.com with the subject heading ‘volunteer’. Please do not send submissions to this email address.

Your privacy is important to us, if you wish to know more about how we handle our volunteer data including the application process please click here Volunteers & Volunteer Applicant Privacy Notice.

Please note not everyone will be suitable to volunteer, and that’s okay, just wanting to volunteer and help is a great thing, so even if it’s not with us, please look for other volunteering opportunities. Something perfect is sure to come along.

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4000 Maximum Characters
4000 Maximum Characters
4000 Maximum Characters
What length of volunteering opportunity are you looking for?*